MCC Blog

An exciting peek into our world of flying…

Why The Airbus H125 and Bell 407 are the Ultimate Utility Helicopters

Versatility is often a much sought-after aspect of utility helicopters, and few aircraft exemplify this trait more than the Airbus H125 and Bell 407 helicopters. These versatile machines are not just icons of engineering ingenuity but also indispensable tools across a spectrum of industries, from agriculture and firefighting to emergency services and beyond. In this […]

Did you Know These Facts About Water Bombing and Firefighting with Helicopters?

One of the most awe-inspiring sights is that of helicopters water bombing and fighting. Swooping down, water buckets dangling beneath them, ready to unleash a deluge on the raging fires below. Whether it be wildfires or commercial fires, teams have to be ready at all times to jump into action.  This dramatic firefighting technique, known […]

MCC Aviation Partners with HOT102.7 FM for Live Election Coverage from the Skies

MCC Aviation will be partnering with HOT102.7 FM to bring you unparalleled live election coverage from the skies during the upcoming National Elections on May 29, 2024. As a trusted provider of premium aerial services, MCC Aviation is proud to play a crucial role in delivering real-time updates and analysis straight from the heart of […]

The Versatility of Helicopters and Aircraft in Agriculture

As the demands on modern agriculture continue to grow, so too does the importance of leveraging innovative technologies to overcome challenges and maximise efficiency.  Among these tools of progress, helicopters and aircraft stand out as versatile assets, revolutionising the way we cultivate our crops and protect our lands. From firefighting to precision agriculture, their applications […]

Why the Cessna Grand Caravan C208B is the Ultimate Choice for Hunting Charters

Hunting season in Southern Africa kicks off on 1 May 2024, and with it brings a multitude of hunting enthusiasts looking for the most convenient ways to start their adventure. MCC has been a long-standing charter service for those seeking the ultimate hunting adventure, and by chartering a flight hunters can not only reach their […]


With more than 33 million flight hours worldwide, The H125 (AS350)  is a member of Airbus’ Ecureuil family and outclasses all other single-engine helicopters for performance Its versatile, low maintenance, and carries a low acquisition costs, while excelling in high and hot and extreme environments which is critical for Helicopters and especially whilst fighting fires. [...]

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